Visit Nuremberg — 5 Must do things in Nuremberg | Nuremberg Travel Blog

Aoon The Traveller
4 min readMar 18, 2020

To explore the city of Nuremberg, let’s start with the historical old town tour. From the Nuremberg Central station, you can either take U-bahn to St. Lorenz Kirche but we would recommend taking a short walk from Central train station on Bahnhofsplatz towards Frauentor.

Frauentor, Nuremburg old town

It’s just opposite of the road. Once you enter from the Frauentor, you will find yourself in a small Medieval town. There are narrow cobblestone streets which have artistic shops selling hand made Pottery and glass decor. It’s a must to visit Handwerkerhof to buy handmade decoration pieces.

Handwerkerhof, Nuremburg Old town
Handwerkerhof, Nuremburg Old town

Tour to old town Nuremberg:

The old town of Nuremberg is encircled with city walls. We would suggest taking a walk on Pedestrian on Konigstrasse, the street has shopping brands on both sides of the road. If you walk a bit, you will reach to famous St. Lorenz Kirche. You can explore the streets of Old town, Nuremberg . There are lots of shopping options for the shopping lovers.



Aoon The Traveller

Aoon The Traveller is a blog focuses on Travel, lifestyle, food and Photographer blogs. Countries Visited: 42